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Become a part of Økogård Ærø

We offer students and the young at heart the opportunity to do an agricultural internship on our organic farm. Depending on the time of year, you can learn many things that are useful for self-sufficiency. From growing vegetables to processing them in our certified kitchen. The subject areas are very diverse: sowing and growing vegetables, compost production, soil improvement, natural plant protection and plant strengthening to grape harvest and wine production. We are happy to share the knowledge we have acquired and see ourselves not as teachers, but also as constant learners.​​​​


All adult applicants who would like to do a voluntary internship (i.e. outside of school or university) can apply to be a "WWOOFER". WWOOF stands for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms and brings mainly young people together with organic farmers, promotes cultural exchange and supports the development of a global community that is committed to organic farming. Continue to our WWOOF-Profile.  


Søby Landevej 20

5985 Søby, Ærø, Dänemark


Mob: +49 171 549 5499
oder: +49 171 147 0593

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© 2020 Guido Weihermüller

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